Thursday, May 31, 2012

June 1, 2013.
The Main Street Cafe.
Elmira, New York.

Steve Seaberg shows his stuff. The uncelebrated yet self-proclaimed life artist brings a selection from his 2012 oeuvre to the heart of downtown Elmira. Drawing and painting have fascinated and preoccupied Seaberg since childhood. The works shown are a combination of depictions of reality and imaginal constructions that suggest skies over landscapes, all exhibiting the Seaberg style of brushwork and pallet. The painting above is called Church Work on Church Street, Elmira, New York. Seaberg notes that preservation work on the exterior of buildings can receive more attention than what goes on inside, as well as inside of us. The painting is based on a Polaroid snapshot from 2003-2005 when the brick steeple at Trinity Church underwent major repairs. A sign promoting McDonalds and Pizza Hut dominates the lower right quadrant. Church Work is preeminently a sky portrait. In fact, skies dominate Seaberg's work as much as any other element. The show continues throughout June and July.